Middle School — Trinity Christian School | Sharpsburg, GA

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Thriving in Middle School

While middle school years are often viewed negatively due to the increased potential for difficulty and awkwardness in a season of great change, here at Trinity we believe the opportunity afforded to mold and shape students during these transitional years is invaluable. We seek to establish a culture and environment that foster healthy exploration and discovery allowing our students to not only survive but THRIVE as they come to embrace their unique gifts and callings as image-bearers of God.

In addition to finding highly qualified teachers who love Christ and a challenging curriculum that meets or exceeds state standards while being taught through the lens of a biblical worldview, Trinity’s middle school offers unique opportunities for educating, equipping, and empowering our students for the high school years and beyond. Not only will your child experience strategic programs for their academic and social development, the spiritual growth of each student is emphasized through Bible classes, chapel services and discipleship opportunities.


House System - A special feature of Trinity’s middle school experience is our house system, which allows students to experience a sense of belonging, camaraderie and healthy competition throughout the school year. Students are placed in one of five houses named for historical Christian figures, Elisabeth Elliot, C.S. Lewis, Watchman Nee, Jackie Robinson and John Wycliffe, where they are given opportunities to learn and demonstrate healthy character traits for impacting culture positively around them. Houses vie for the distinguished honor of capturing the House Cup at the end of our year-long competition. Learn more about our houses at www.tcshouses.weebly.com.

Habitudes - Students are exposed to image-based leadership habits that equip them to lead, serve and contribute in meaningful ways as members of our student body. By teaching initiative, service and critical thinking skills, students learn to navigate daily challenges with maturity and responsibility. Our Habitudes leadership curriculum is taught on a weekly basis by one of our trained Habitudes instructors in conjunction with their Bible class curriculum.

Overnight Experiences - We believe in capturing moments with our students that will last for years to come. We see these types of lasting conversations, experiences and memories most often being achieved outside the normal classroom experience. Our middle schoolers are provided with opportunities to venture out into unique learning experiences through our yearly overnight trips. Our annual trips are listed below:

  • 6th Grade - Trip to Chattanooga Aquarium

  • 7th Grade - Trip to Creation Museum and Ark Encounter

  • 8th Grade - Retreat to Snowbird Wilderness Outfitters and Trip to Disney World

Focused Educational Days - At various times in the school year we take a break from the normal academic schedule to focus on specific areas of interest and value for our student body.

  • Discipleship Day - This day in our Fall Semester focuses on the spiritual growth and development of our students and includes special chapel services, breakout sessions and small group discussion throughout the day.

  • G.R.A.C.E. Day - This day in our Spring Semester focuses on the diversity seen in God’s creation and our student body (G-ender, R-ace, A-bility, C-ulture, E-conomic Status) with the goal of creating a deeper appreciation for the differences seen in others.

  • STEAM Day - This day in our Spring Semester focuses on a wide variety of hands on activities as students rotate through various project-based stations while also being exposed to STEAM related careers.

Spiritual Day and Overnight Retreats - To kickoff each school year, our middle school students participate in either a day (6th and 7th) or multi-day (8th) spiritual retreat with the focus being on building strong, healthy friendships while experiencing a unique setting for spiritual growth and development.


In addition to our middle school principal, we have staff in place to assist in the development of each of our middle school students.

Academic Coordinators: (6th Grade) Melissa Lanier (melissa.lanier@tcslions.org) and (7th-8th Grade) Emily Walter (emily.walter@tcslions.org) oversee our academic programs for middle school which includes curriculum selection, student class placement and teacher development.

Director of Student Life: Tiffany McBurnett (tiffany.mcburnett@tcslions.org) oversees our special events and field trips while also assisting in the area of student social and emotional-related challenges.

Director of Student Development: Dylan Higgins (dylan.higgins@tcslions.org) oversees the spiritual development of our student body while also assisting with academic needs amongst our student body.

Director of Skills Development: Jenn Opsahl (jennifer.opsahl@tcslions.org) oversees our Skills Development Program which helps support students with individualized learning needs.

+ Daily Schedule

School Hours: 8:00 AM – 2:45 PM (Early drop off begins at 7:00 AM)

  • 8:00 AM - 8:45 AM — 1st Period
  • 8:50 AM - 9:35 AM — 2nd Period
  • 9:40 AM - 10:25 AM — 3rd Period
  • 10:30 AM - 11:25 AM — FLEX and Lunch
  • 11:30 AM - 12:15 PM — 4th Period
  • 12:20 PM - 1:05 PM — 5th Period
  • 1:10 PM - 1:55 PM — 6th Period and Snack Break
  • 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM — 7th Period (Electives)
  • 2:50 PM - 3:30 PM — Study Hall and Dismissal

Extended Day Program: 3:30 PM - 6:00 PM (for students needing After School supervision)

Note: Chapel Every Wednesday during 1st Period

Academic Accountability

Trinity administers the Progress Learning each spring to grades K–8. Trinity is accredited through ILCSSACS, and Cognia, and is a member of GISA.

Courses Offered

Bible, English, History, Math, Science and Physical Education

Electives Offered

Art, Band, Chorus, Drama, Orchestra, STEAM, Keyboarding, Financial Peace, Study Hall, Study Skills (SOAR), Spanish


Football, Volleyball, Cheerleading, Cross-Country, Basketball, Baseball, Softball, Soccer, Track & Field, Lacrosse, Clay Shooting, Swimming, Archery

For more information, please visit the Athletics website.


TCS Middle School provides a 1:1 technology program with each middle school student being equipped with a Google Chromebook that allows access to digital e-textbooks and web-based note-taking applications.