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United Generosity

Each year, the TCS community of parents, grandparents, alumni, board members, faculty, staff, and businesses join together in making tax-deductible financial gifts to The TCS Annual Fund. Your gifts make an immediate and profound difference in creating opportunities for TCS students to experience a creative, rigorous, and transformative Christian education.

Participation is crucial! Every gift creates a remarkable impact. Your generosity fosters an environment of educational excellence for each TCS student. Giving your support to the Annual Fund not only strengthens the TCS educational experience but also empowers each student’s educational journey. Your participation truly makes a lasting difference!

High TCS Annual Fund participation can also help raise crucial dollars from outside foundations and institutions. Greater participation helps the school when applying for grants and helps in securing gifts from businesses and corporations because these institutions support schools who are first supported by the TCS community.



Explore the transformative power of your support through our curated video stories. Click on each image to witness firsthand the remarkable
advancements and heartfelt moments your generosity has enabled within our community.

Play Video Safety And Security
Play Video Spiritual Formation
Play Video Compassion Fund
Play Video Technology
Play Video School Health
Play Video Faculty & Staff
Play Video Classrooms
Play Video Transportation
Play Video The Arts




Dive into our Frequently Asked Questions section below to find out more about how the Annual Fund supports every student's journey at Trinity Christian School. Discover how each contribution fosters excellence, innovation, and a sense of community.

  • Yes, absolutely! TCS Annual Fund gifts are tax deductible per the IRS published guidelines. Trinity Christian School is a 501(c)(3) organization as recognized by the IRS.

  • Tuition does not cover all of the annual cost of educating our students. Like all other independent schools, we rely on the Annual Fund to help provide program enhancements and bridge the gap between tuition and the cost of providing an extraordinary Christian education to our students through a higher degree of program excellence than what the investment of tuition alone can provide.

  • Funds are dedicated to supporting the TCS students, teachers, the TCS mission, and TCS special programs. Your charitable gift will help meet 100% of our mission-critical costs while providing an excellent Christian education along with a positive learning environment, innovative curriculum, and advanced teaching practices. Technology and enrichments at TCS play a huge role in the development of our students and are supported by the TCS Annual Fund.

  • While it won’t eliminate all fundraisers, our goal is to significantly reduce the number and frequency of fundraising appeals. Consolidating fundraising activities into one TCS Annual Fund drive frees our teachers and directors to focus their time and energy on classroom instruction rather than on raising money. Plus, 100% of funds raised for the Annual Fund directly impacts the students and teachers.

  • Capital campaigns raise money for brick-and-mortar improvements. The TCS Annual Fund raises money for specific needs that directly impact the students and teachers of TCS.

  • Many companies will match the giving of their employees to charitable causes, thus increasing the impact of your donation. See if your employer will match your donation.