Trinity Christian School | Sharpsburg, GA

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Trinity Siblings help give teens a "Fresh Start"


By Samantha DePriest

The Trinity Way of educating, equipping, and empowering prepares today’s student to impact tomorrow’s world through the unique partnership of 4 specific areas - Culture, Excellence, Partnership, and Diversity. Dr. Anthony refers often to the golden triangle of parents, churches, and schools working together to shape Christlike disciples. Partnering with our Trinity families in this way helps to strengthen the foundation for our children’s growth and development.

Last Christmas Trinity students Caroline and Nolan McPherson were talking about how exciting it was to get the “good stuff” in their stockings, not just the regular razors but the big nice ones, the really good AXE deodorants and shaving creams, and the fun body Bath & Body Works sprays and gels. Caroline said it makes getting up so much more exciting! It was shortly after that when this dynamic brother and sister team learned that teenagers in middle school and high school are the most under-served group. Frequently folks hear about the needs of teens but don’t know what to get them and for this reason they seem not to get as much attention as little kids.

Caroline and Nolan were inspired to be the change and to help make kids in this age group feel special and get a fresh start. They chose the name “Fresh Start” as a reminder that every morning it’s a fresh start no matter what the day before may have brought. They put together special bags for teen girls and boys full of high dollar items and bring them to I-58 (Isaiah) Mission in Senioa led by Karma Novak. Caroline and Nolan’s Mom, Nancy, shares that “I-58 is a little effort by a lot of people making a big difference.”

Last year they made 60 bags and this year 31 girls and 20 boys were blessed by their efforts. Two times a year they bless teens with “Fresh Start” bags at Back to School and Christmas time. Caroline and Nolan work together and take their roles very seriously. They collect coupons and generous donations to support their efforts. They search to find the best deals to maximize their money donated. They also have a box on their front porch where folks can drop off items or coupons. Nolan likes to figure out the best brands and scents to get and Caroline likes to make each bag look fun and exciting for each kiddo. They collect year round and keep a stock pile on hand at their house.

Nancy McPherson shared that every time they do a drop off of “Fresh Start” bags, her children receive notes telling them how grateful and excited they are to receive treat bags with such high dollar items. As word spreads, many non-profits in the area have reached out to them about bringing their bags to their locations for teens in need. These two kiddos are making quite an impact in our community and we couldn’t wait to share how God is using them. We are proud of you both and look forward to seeing what more He has in store for your ministry this coming Christmas.

Photos: Nancy McPherson