Benjamin Peacock

Alumni Spotlight: Benjamin Peacock

“Preparing Today’s Student to impact Tomorrow’s world”

Alumni Spotlight: Benjamin Peacock

By Samantha DePriest

As we approach the celebration of our 14th graduating class at Trinity Christian School, we pray God’s blessings over the 125 seniors who will walk across the stage and officially enter the mission field next month. From the very beginning, Trinity Christian School has been committed to “Preparing today’s student to impact tomorrow’s world.” Hundreds of students have developed a firm foundation in Christ and been mentored by Faith filled teachers as they planted seeds and watched them grow. There are countless stories to be shared about how our Trinity Lions are living out God’s plan for their lives and positively influencing those around them.

TCS Alumni Benjamin Peacock has been walking with the Lord for as long as he can remember. He graduated TCS in 2016 and fondly recalls his time at Trinity as some of the best years of his life. Benjamin shares, “I got to do so many incredible things during my time at TCS.” He was here during a time a great growth and was on the first TCS cross country team, track team, soccer team, and was the first TCS swimmer.

He fondly recalls his Dad encouraging him to try running. He shares that his Dad told him to go to 1 TCS cross country practice to see if he liked it. He did and realized that running came easy for him. His athletic ability, endurance, and mental fortitude helped him to not only run but he learned that he enjoyed running. He had hoped to run cross country or track and field in college but had health issues that prevented him from doing so. He was able to run a sub 18 minutes in his sophomore year but was diagnosed with Compartment syndrome and had to have surgery in his junior year. Because of these circumstances, he started swimming and found success in the pool.

Benjamin was also cast in the very 1st TCS musical “Annie”. He enjoyed his time being a part of Trinity musicals, sang in the Choir in 9th and 10th grades, and also in One Act with former Performing Arts Director Kelsi Adams. He learned that he loved competing in both athletics and the arts. He was involved in Trinity Church Fine Arts as well. In fact, he won the Fine Arts Scholarship which helped him earn $5k/yr for 4 years of college and was the first Merit Award earned from Trinity Church. He shares that he wasn’t sure what his next step would be after high school but decided to go to Southeastern University where one of his older brothers also attended.

Fast forward a few years, he now serves in ministry as a Youth Associate Pastor at Victory Church Lakeland in Florida. This coming May he is becoming an ordained minister. He also coaches and encourages young runners. The team started with just 22 students and has now grown to 50 students. Benjamin enjoys helping mentor athletes and shares that he “can’t imagine not having Faith when times are tough.” He can also be found announcing volleyball and basketball games and singing the national anthem at games. Benjamin describes himself as missional and kingdom building. He preaches at school, church, and youth services. In addition, he oversees the fine arts program currently with 55+ students and gives God all the glory!

Over the years, Benjamin has participated in half marathons, both Sprint and Olympic triathlons, Ironman’s and has even qualified for the World Championships in St. George, Utah. Every race that he competes in, he has raised money for causes close to his heart. He has raised money to build water wells in Africa and most recently is fundraising to support Project Rescue.

We will be praying for Benjamin as he competes in a Fine Arts Festival Competition coming up this month and in his 1st full Ironman in Mont-Tremblant Canada this summer. His goal is to qualify for the Boston Marathon one day. We applaud his desire to positively impact the world by using the gifts and talents God gave him. Benjamin shares, “Everything that I am is because of Trinity. Everyone who is a part of my journey has taught me and poured into me . I was always loved, always seen, always known, always supported, always encouraged, and always having fun when I was at TCS.”

What a beautiful story of one of our very own Lions making a tremendous impact in the world and inspiring others along the way. We can’t wait to see what else the Lord has planned for Benjamin this year!! #LionForLife