What's For Lunch?

What’s For Lunch?

By Samantha DePriest

We are so excited about all of the SAGE updates this year. All of our students will enjoy a variety of healthy options provided by SAGE dining in the 2 cafeteria’s on the main campus and the 1 cafeteria on our TCS GO Church campus. Please be aware that all of our cafeterias are nut-free cafeterias.

What’s for Lunch?

The easiest way to read the menu is by using this SAGE dining link. Simply click on the school location on the drop down menu on the left to view the daily, weekly, and monthly menus for GO Church, Elementary/MS, and the High School. You may also view the lunch menus on the Touch of Sage app. A video with more information can be found at the bottom of our Dining Program webpage.

Special Events and Seasonings are also listed on the dining link. SAGE goes above and beyond to bring joy to the lunch room through their Special Events and Seasonings.

High School Kitchen

It has been quite busy at the high school this summer. We are thrilled to share that the brand new state of the art kitchen is complete and ready to serve our High School students on the first day of school. We believe our students will have lots to celebrate at lunch with multiple trips to both hot and cold food stations, drinking stations, and a food truck.

What’s new?

We have moved to reusable plates and lunch trays this school year. This will help us cut down on waste and enhance our overall dining experience. Students will learn how to take care of their plates and lunch trays this week during their introductions to the Dining program.

What is Freestyle?

Freestyle is SAGE’s answer to making eating enjoyable and stress-free, even if your child has a common food allergy. SAGE offers a daily variety of fresh, delicious recipes that don’t include any of the top 12 allergens: wheat, gluten, eggs, fish, milk, sesame, soy, shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts, mustard, and sulfites. You may review these ingredients listed on the online menu or in the Touch of SAGE mobile app. SAGE offers a brief video that further explains the SAGE Allergen Filter.

Lunch with your Student

One of the highlights of our students day is welcoming our parents come on campus and enjoy lunch time with their students. To allow for our students to learn lunch room procedures, parents are invited to to eat in September using the sign up link that can be found under Resources on Blackbaud.

Lunch times are as follows:

PreK - 11am - 12:15pm (times vary per teacher)

Kindergarten - 12pm - 12:50pm (times vary per teacher)

1st grade - 12:10pm - 12:35pm

2nd grade 12:30pm - 12:55pm

3rd grade 12:50pm - 1:15pm

4th grade 11:30am - 12:00pm

5th grade 11:30am - 12:00pm

Middle School 10:45am - 11:20am

Trinity Means Family

Trinity Means Family

By Samantha DePriest

Do you remember the first time you stepped onto our Trinity campus? Do you remember learning about the first friend your child made at school? Perhaps it was a warm smile or friendly wave you received in carline. Maybe it was a conversation with another TCS parent who gave you insight on how things worked at Trinity. Perhaps it was an invite to join Trinity parents at our “Annual Trinity Boohoo/Yahoo breakfast” on the 1st day of school.. Or maybe it was an encouraging email from a teacher when you realized they understood your child perfectly that filled your heart. Whatever that moment was for you when Trinity felt like home, you came to know that Trinity means family. We believe that God has a plan for each and every child. And we are honored to be blessed with the opportunity to partner with families to help raise them up. Being a part of the Trinity family is truly a gift.

Just as in our own families, we genuinely care for, serve, and pray for one another. Our teachers and staff have been praying for each of our Lions and eagerly anticipating their arrival next month. They have been busy preparing first day of school ice breaker games and engaging lesson plans, decorating and organizing their colorful classrooms, and filling their hearts with scripture and knowledge to share with their students. Our Operations department has been tending to every last detail to keep our school operating, clean, safe, and so beautiful. Our staff has been working hard all summer to answer your questions and help this transition into a new school year be as smooth as possible for your family.

Frequently you will hear, “It is a great time to be a Lion” and that couldn’t be more true. We are welcoming many new families and staff this August, adding more exciting extracurricular activities as well as opportunities for our students to learn about God’s plan for their lives. Community is important to us at TCS and we pray for meaningful connections within our school family. Whether this is your first year or fifth year at TCS, there are many ways to connect.

Serve Together

One of the easiest ways to make new friends is through serving together. TCS PTF (Parent Teacher Fellowship) shares opportunities often that can be found in the weekly newsletter, Inside the Pride, and also on the Trinity Family Facebook page. The Lions Club, our athletics booster club, is looking for volunteers to assist in various roles as well. More about these volunteer needs can also be found in Inside the Pride. If your child is involved with performing arts or athletics, there are numerous service opportunities throughout the season.

Attend Events

One thing is for sure, there is always something going on on our campus Any given night of the week, you will find cars pulling in with families ready to cheer on their kiddos. Whether a performing arts or athletics event, afterschool clubs, or a school wide event, there is something for everyone. Checking the school calendar online and the weekly newsletter, Inside the Pride, are the easiest ways to find out the latest happenings on campus. What’s more fun than making plans to attend an event and grab an ice cream cone with fellow Lions to help build meaningful and lasting friendships for your student and your family.

Share a Smile

Lastly, the easiest way to connect with others in our school community and spread joy is by sharing a smile. Yup, that’s all. Just a simple smile. Next Sunday evening we will have our first family reunion of the school year called “Welcome to the ROAR”. Our stadium will be filled with hundreds of future friends some you may have seen before and others you haven’t. Don’t let this special opportunity pass by without meeting and greeting some new faces. Lion nation is a one of a kind and you are what makes it so special. We can’t wait to see God’s kingdom come together to celebrate the start of this brand new school year. Welcome home Lions!

TCS Families on Mission: Armenia, Colombia

TCS Families on Mission: Armenia, Colombia

By Samantha DePriest

Earlier this summer a team from Trinity Church (many of whom are also students at Trinity Christian School) traveled to Armenia, Colombia for the Trinity Church Youth Mission Trip. Pastor Ben Heilman and his son Ethan (rising senior), Sean and Holly Savoy and their four children Joshua (rising senior), twins Kristen and Rebecca (rising sophomores), and son Timothy (rising 7th grader), Sam Fader (rising junior), and Abby Wozniak (TCS Graduate ‘23) traveled south from June 27th through July 4th. The students on this trip, with the exception of Aiden and Alexa Collins from another church in Columbus, have all been friends since they were babies which made it extra special. They connected with a church in Armenia called “Asambleas de Dios Sembrando Vida” which means “Assemblies of God, Sewing Life”.

Trinity Church Youth Mission Trip team pictured l to r back row: Holly Savoy, Abby Wozniak, Rebecca Savoy, Josh Savoy, Ethan Heilman, Timothy Savoy, and Aiden Collins.

Front row pictured l to r: Kristen Savoy, Alexa Collins, Sean Savoy, Pastor Ben Heilman, and Sam Fader

The church building was a house and it served their community of 2-3 blocks surrounding it in a poor area. The church pastor shared that everything the church does focuses on serving the community in the surrounding area. The church serves in many ways throughout the week including a feeding program for at risk kids and Mom’s. On Wednesday nights the church hosts outdoor music and preaches in the streets where people listen from their homes and stand on their balconies participating.

The mission team connected with the community and built relationships through various ways. They led soccer camps in the mornings for children ages 5-15 and VBS in the afternoons for children 13 and under. The team spent a week serving at the end of June beginning of July while the children had a 2-week break from school. Several of the mission team members spoke Spanish. Sam, Josh, and Sean were all able to communicate and help with translation. The mission team performed funny skits, songs with motions, crafts, and shared bible stories. They helped with a children’s service on Saturday afternoon and attended the church service in the church house on Sunday morning.

Rebecca Savoy and the little boy mentioned in the story.

Holly Savoy shares “As we preparing for this trip, we had all these ideas for how we would organize a great soccer camp. We showed up to a dirt “soccer field” with dogs wandering around and kids wearing sandals, crocs, and some sneakers. These kids weren’t looking for some elite soccer camp, they just needed to be loved and feel wanted! God just used soccer to get us to this specific areas to reach these kids and this community. As we offered what we thought we had, God used it for so much more. It was definitely an unforgettable experience!”

Rebecca Savoy, TCS 10th grader shares, “All week we were getting to know the kids through the soccer camp and VBS. As we got to love on these kids, we told them ‘Jesus te ama!’ which means Jesus loves you in Spanish. On the last day, as we said our goodbyes, ones of the little boys I had hung out with a lot gave me a hug and said ‘Jesus te ama!’ right before I said it to him. God was able to use me to bring His truth to those sweet kids, and I am so grateful for that opportunity.”

TCS Graduate Abby was given candy from a student on the last day who she had done crafts with and played soccer with all week and she said, “I have nothing to give you back”. The child replied with “You gave me your heart this week.”

“God took what we offered and used it for Him.” Pastor Ben shared, “It was awesome to see our students to get out of their comfort zone and share what Jesus has done in their lives. They all stepped out and shared their Faith. Our teens laid hands on and prayed over the 5-6 Columbian teens.” 
The pastor of Asambleas de Dios Sembrando Vida shared feedback “When your team showed up this week, the spiritual atmosphere changed. The team just loved on the kids and built relationships” . What a blessing for our mission team and for the families in the community in Armenia.

Back to School: Let's Get Ready!

Back to SchooL: Let’s Get Ready!

By Samantha DePriest

About this time every July amidst summer vacations and summer camps, our families start thinking about the upcoming school year. The start of school signals the beginning of the next exciting chapter for our Lions, We look forward to welcoming our families back on campus and have been praying for this upcoming school year.  Some parents have printed out school supply lists and purchased all the items while others are soaking up that last bit of summer fun. To help our families prepare and get ready for this new exciting school year, we wanted to share some of the many resources available.  

Our weekly newsletter Inside the Pride is the #1 best way to stay in the know with all things Trinity. Our principals update content weekly with important dates to remember, special events, and much more. Each newsletter also contains contact information for staff regarding curriculum, student life, and more.. Newsletters are emailed every Sunday evening and again on Wednesday’s to those who haven’t opened them yet. Students and parents, and even grandparents, are encouraged to subscribe to the newsletter to help stay in the know.

The New Family landing page was created to help our first year families navigate the first year at Trinity but is also serves as a helpful tool for our returning families. School supply lists, TCS Lions lingo, dining services, and more can be found here. Many ways to plug in and connect with families through our TCS PTF (Parent Teacher Fellowship), Room Parents, Lions Club, and Annual Fund can also be found on the New Family page. Two FAQ’s .pdf documents can be found at the bottom of the New Family page packed with grade specific information. These are perfect to screenshot and save for future use.

The TCS Family Handbook is a comprehensive online resource with updates for all things Trinity including updated policies and procedures for the 2023-2024 school year.

The Trinity School Events Calendar is a great place to find out about all the happenings on our campus. It is updated regularly and a source of information for those wanting to support our Athletics and Arts programs The school calendar can also be found on this page to help families plan time away. 

The Roar Store, our brand new school store, is located behind the High School building next to the stadium. The Roar Store is a convenient place to purchase necessary items for your family before the start of school. There are summer shopping hours available and an online store as well..

Trinity Summer Camps are a great way to help our kiddos connect with students prior to the start of school. There are several camps available for the month of July that can be found on the summer camp landing page.

Lastly, save the date for our Welcome to the Roar: Back to School event on Sunday, August 6th from 5-8pm at our Trinity Stadium. We can’t wait to celebrate the start of the new school year with you and your students. It’s a great time to be a Lion! Hope you enjoy these last few weeks of summer and we will see you in August.

Trinity 4th grade students participate in "Knots of Joy"

Trinity Christian Student starts

“Knots of Joy” to bless those in need

By Samantha DePriest

It came as no surprise to the Upper Elementary School family when 4th grader Joy Lander was awarded the “All Smiles Award” at the 4th grade awards event in May. Each year Mahaffey Linkous Orthodontics recognizes a student who is an encourager and a joy to be around. The student body votes and then the student selected receives an Amazon gift card that Mahaffey Linkous Orthodontics generously donates.

Trinity 4th grader Joy Lander shares how her heart has been inspired to reach out and help others in need. Joy shares “I have learned that it is important to help people because it feels good to help people when they’re struggling.  We have many family friends and family members diagnosed and battling cancer over the last year.  They were adults and have said how hard it is to go through treatments. Over a Chick-fil-A ice cream, I told my mom I wanted to do something for kids in the hospital.  I have a little blanket I took everywhere when I was little, sleep with to this day.  I wanted those patients to have something to hold like that when they are feeling alone and scared in the hospital.  We went to work in May of last year and made 100 blankets, in a month, with friends and delivered 100 blankets to Children's Healthcare of Atlanta. The Volunteer Coordinator smiled when she filled the wagon with the blankets, and I knew that I was making a difference for kids with cancer.  I also found out through starting this project that others wanted to help bless others with me!

Joy (pictured center) with sisters Anna Kate and Callie Joe Whittle.

Knots of Joy, initiative, isn’t about seeing the blessing in person, but it is about the big impact.  I have posted on Facebook and watched others make these blankets with me and grownups have donated over $1000 to support Knots of Joy.  I have been able to buy cutting mats, good scissors, and fabric to bless others with these blankets.”

Joy Lander was assisted by her friends and sisters Anna Kate and Callie Jo Whittle in preparing the soft fleece fabric for the handheld comfort blankets for the 4th grade service project at Trinity Christian on Monday, May 22nd.

The 4th grade student body came together and helped Joy make 110 blankets in just about an hour. Last year this time Joy shared that she had only made 5 blankets. With her classmates help, she is able to donate more than 300 blankets to foster organizations, children’s hospitals, and mission trips all over the world.

(Image by Rebecca Lander) Joy pictured with her “Knots of Joy” blankets.

Joy goes on to share “Over the last year, we have made and donated over 450 blankets to Cancer patients. Those blankets are going all over the world to Belize this summer, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, and expanding to Foster Children with The Bloom Closet, First Responders to give to children they are caring for in the community and Nursing homes to comfort lonely elderly patients. 

It has been amazing to watch all ages get into the Knotting game to make blankets or donate money to see more blankets.  I have had teachers post on their social media pages to help encourage others to donate money, friends request how to do it and mail me 50 blankets to donate, my friends have come over for Knotting Parties, and we have blessed so many people together.  It seemed like a small idea over ice cream to do something sweet for kids going through things bigger than I could think about, but I was able to encourage and impact others to think about these children and join in to be a blessing by knotting blankets with me!  I have learned that I can lead others to bless others, no matter what age they are, and that is being an effective leader in my community.” 

      I encourage kindness, use my manners with my friends and adults, have a reputation for living out my name, encourage others in all they do, cheer people on, make cards for my friends, pray for people when they are anxious, show up, and show initiative when someone needs a hand.  I know that all these little things have added up to others seeing that I am making an impact in the classroom, Go Kids at Church, and the community that I get to serve.” 

School Is Out For The Summer!

School Is Out For The Summer!

By Samantha DePriest

Well, we did it!! Our Lions successfully completed another amazing year of school. Whether it was your family’s first year at TCS or you’ve been here for a while, we are thankful you chose to be a part of our family. We hope each of the end of the year celebrations were meaningful and created last memories for your Lions and for your entire family.

Some of our students overcame adversity this year and as they say “conquered their Everest”. Some of our students learned to play new instruments or try a new sport. Our students made new friends, tried new foods, and learned new ways of solving problems. They took trips to explore new places and read books that took them to far off lands and spaces in time. One thing is for sure, all of our students learned more about God’s love and more about His plan for each of their lives.

This last month of May (some parents lovingly refer to as “May-hem”) has been full of parties, performances, and parades! From the littlest to the biggest, our Lions were celebrated in so many ways. Our preschool students enjoyed glow parties and ring pops. Our Kindergarten kiddos had a movie day and pajama party after marching to the stadium for their graduation complete with a Falcon RV Squadron flyover. Our fabulous 1st graders enjoyed fun on scooters and popsicles while our super 2nd graders jumped the time away on inflatables and TCBY treats. Our terrific 3rd graders splashed away in a water day bash with Coweta firetrucks, water slides, and Kona Ice. Our fantastic 4th graders celebrated with an awesome field day experience, inflatables, and snow cones. Our fun 5th graders also enjoyed a field day, completed their 5th grade walk with hundreds of parents, grandparents, and special friends in attendance before an epic parents vs. students kick ball game and pizza party. Our 6th and 7th graders celebrated off campus with parties at the Skating Rink and Bowling Alley. Our 8th graders danced the night away at their Country Western theme 8th grade dance. Our high school students participated in daily events led by Student Council and were invited to Honors awards nights. And finally our senior class enjoyed a time of all things Senior’s from parties to parades and finally graduation. What an incredible time it was to be a Lion!

The last snacks have been packed, no more projects to work on or tests to study for, and we can stay up as late as we want because there is no morning carline for the next 70 days.

We couldn’t be more proud of the hard work each of our students put in this school year. Whether your family is traveling or having a staycation, working or serving, resting or playing, we pray your time together is sweet and fills your hearts with joy. And we are eagerly counting the days until you are all back on campus this August!!



By Samantha DePriest

Trinity Christian School is honored to have Mike Fitzpatrick of Fitzpatrick Ford in Newnan recognize several of our Spring student athletes with the “Athlete of the Week” Award. We join Mr. Fitzpatrick in saying that we are wholeheartedly proud of these athletes who demonstrate qualities of leadership, character, and determination in their sport and on their teams. Below are our most recent recipients of the Fitzpatrick “Athlete of the Week Award”. Way to go Lions!!

Porter Haire


5/1/23 - 11th grade

Porter is currently a junior who competes in the long, triple, and high jump events.  Additionally, Porter now shares the high jump record (6-2) and broke the long jump record (22-8) this season, a record previously held since the 2017 season.  As Porter competes at a high level he also leads by example through his actions, motivating and encouraging his teammates to compete to the best of their abilities.  Porter will compete at the GHSA 4A Region 4 event in all his events for a chance to qualify to the GHSA Sectionals event set to take place on May 6th.  Recently, Porter was baptized in front of his peers and family at TCS during a night of celebration! 

Abigail Arrington


5/8/23 - 10th grade

Abigail is the type of player that a coach loves to coach. She has so much natural talent and is very coachable. For the past 2 seasons she has played line 1 singles and has played some of the best competition in the state. She gives every match her all and is very consistent on the court. We know she is going to do amazing things for the TCS tennis program the next couple of years.   

Mary Kathryn White


5/15/23 -11th grade

Mary is currently a sophomore student athlete who competes in the shot put and discus events.  Mary truly is a servant leader who leads by example both on and off the field as a thrower.  She inspires her teammates, including the throwers group, to achieve their personal records during practice and in competition.  As Mary is not competing in the GHSA 4A Region 4 event she is at practice each day, working alongside her teammates at practice.  Mary is also devoted to her small group at church that meets on Wednesday after practice which is a foundation of her daily walk.  

Jessalyn Sutton


5/22/23 - 10th grade

Jessalyn is a sophomore who started playing competitive golf last year.  She is the most consistent golfer in our program.  She is one of the leaders on our girls golf team.  Our girls team finished 1AAAA runners up and will be playing the GHSA State Tournament.  Jessalyn is a leader on and off of the course.  She excels at a high level in the classroom taking advanced courses. She is also a hard worker on the golf course.  She is constantly working at improving her game.  GO LIONS! 

Senior Week at Trinity: All Things Senior!

Senior Week at Trinity: All Things SeniorS!

By Samantha DePriest

(Image by Samantha DePriest)

This past week our school community celebrated our Seniors in a mighty way. Senior Week gets bigger and better each year with new traditions and meaningful ways to celebrate our 12th graders. The week kicked off with the beloved tradition of the Senior Walk where our 12th graders wear their cap and gown and walk from one end of campus to the stadium. Along the way they are greeted with signs and cheers of encouragement while they give out high fives to the little Lions and hugs to past teachers and staff. Parents and family members wait at the stadium for the Seniors to arrive and greet them with balloons, hugs, and lots of celebrating.

Senior Honors Night

(Image by Oscar Camejo)

On Tuesday evening, our Seniors and their families attended the Senior Honors Night held at Crossroads Church. This special program was the first of its kind for TCS. The event started with a beautiful time of family worship led by our Praise and Worship team of Seniors. Several awards and scholarships were handed out celebrating achievements both in the classroom and in the community.

(Image by Oscar Camejo)

The Class of 2023 is the 15th graduating class of Trinity and earned $9,840,902.00 in scholarships. Our first graduating class was in 2008 and was made up of just 14 graduates. What a remarkable journey our school is on! To God be the glory!

Some of the awards given at Senior Honors Night are mentioned below. Many of our students also received recognition for Advanced Placement, Student Council, BETA Club, National Honor Society, Honor Graduates, and Principal’s List. Valedictorian Grant VanGerpen and Salutatorian Victoria Taylor were honored as well. They were interviewed earlier this Spring by Head of School Dr. Anthony on an episode of Table Talk.

(Pictured l to r) Class of 2023 Valedictorian Grant VanGerpen and Salutatorian Victoria Taylor

(Image by Oscar Camejo)

The Senior Honors Night concluded with prayer followed by a time of refreshments and fellowship. What a testimony of God’s plan for these students lives after starting their high school journey in the midst of a global pandemic 4 years ago. These students are thriving and our Trinity families have much to be proud of for the students many accomplishments and achievements.

(Image by Oscar Camejo)

Senior Breakfast

(Image by Samantha DePriest)

Wednesday morning our Senior class was blessed with a delicious breakfast catered by SAGE and provided by the TCS Annual Fund. They gathered one last time as a class in the High School to share a meal together and time of fellowship. Following breakfast, our High School Bible teachers led the class in a time of devotion and prayer before they headed down to the field for Graduation practice.


(Image by Samantha DePriest)

While every Trinity parent and staff member eagerly watched the weather and prayed for the rain to stay away, once again we were reminded of God’s goodness. We were blessed with cooler temperatures, a slight breeze, and a packed house for the big event on Thursday evening. Graduation 2023 was a success!

(Image by Oscar Camejo)

Sophia Wootten, Student Council President, shared beautiful words of encouragement to her fellow classmates as did the Valedictorian and Salutatorian. Senior Bible Teacher Mr. Patrick Brannon wrote a charge to share with the Senior class.

It is my honor to address the graduating Class of 2023 for a final time. After this past year of life that we have shared together, in the classrooms and in the hallways of our two buildings, at senior chapel, on GO Week, at the senior retreat, at Main Event ATL, at your games, at your performances, and at church, with all the Monday shoutouts, athletic highlights, theater highlights, academic highlights, laughs, tears, hugs, high fives, and many prayers prayed for and with you, I hope you know how much I love you. It was my privilege and high honor to spend this past year encouraging you, cheering for you, praying for you, and believing for God’s glory and your good both now and in the future as this chapter of your life comes to a close. I want to leave you with one last encouragement.

Paul is writing to the church in 2 Corinthians 3 when he says, “Since we have such a hope, we are very bold. The Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.”

Seniors, walk into your next chapter with great confidence and boldness. You may do so for two very important reasons, the first being that God is for you, and the second reason, low key one of my favorite things about God, is that He has made Himself abundantly clear. He has told you in His word exactly what He expects and desires from you. You will never be able to stand before God one day and say I wasn’t sure what you wanted me to do. The Great Commandment and The Great Commission are the clear priorities of God for all of His people. Isn’t clarity wonderful? Confusion crushes our confidence, but clarity creates and confirms it. Because of God’s love for you and the clarity of His mission for your life,

I’m so excited for your future and you should be too. God is on your side and following His clear instructions will lead you to the life you truly want. As the late pastor Charles Stanley often said, “Obey God, and leave all the consequences to Him.” If you choose to live your life by this powerful principle, you will be satisfied and God will be glorified. God bless you, God be with you, and if I can ever do anything for you, let me know. We love you.

Senior Class 2023: Senior Moments

Senior Class 2023: Senior Moments

By Samantha DePriest

Just a few days from now 125 students will cross the stage at graduation and head out into the great big world equipped with their Faith and a bright future. It has been a long standing tradition at Trinity that the graduating Seniors share bits of wisdom and encouragement with lowerclassmen before they leave in an experience called “Senior Moments”. This past week over 500 of our high school students gathered together in the stadium and in the gym to participate in this special tradition. A wonderful group of young men and women, some whom have been a part of TCS for more than a decade, volunteered to share their hearts with the high school.

(picture l to r) Mr. Brannon, Grayson Waller, Mark Harris, Henry Brodnax, Joshua Taylor, and Sophia Wootten

High School Bible teacher Mr. Brannon sat with the students on Wednesday morning as they shared their Faith, their experiences in life and here at Trinity, and encouragement with the student body in the stadium. Dr. Anthony met with students during the last Chapel of the school year in the gym on Thursday morning. Our students leaned in close and likely left with nuggets of wisdom to apply in their own day to day lives. Wisdom that our students have gained from their experiences at Trinity is worth more than gold. To hear these students who are preparing to launch share about their Faith foundation makes every single sacrifice completely worth while. To sum up what each student shared, below are words of wisdom from some of our graduating class of 2023. Be proud Lion Nation! This generation of servant leaders is going to change the world!!

(pictured l to r) Mr. Brannon, Ainsley McMurry, Rebecca Flournoy, Katie Koger, Allie Phillips, and Hannah GIbbs

“Senior Moments” Class of 2023

Who you surround yourself with matters,” Grayson Waller, TCS student for 13 years.

Having like-minded friends who love God helps you turn a negative into a positive.” Mark Harris, TCS student for 3 1/2 years.

Relationships are important. Love the Lord and don’t be a luke warm Christian. Your identity should be in Christ“ Henry Brodnax, TCS student for 8 years.

Pursue God in all you do. God matters. Love everyone.“ Josh Taylor, TCS student for 6 years.

TCS provided endless Christ centered opportunities whether in the arts or athletics. Turn all of your gifts and talents into a form of worship.“ Sophia Wootten, TCS student for 7 years.

GO Week was life changing. Trust in Him no matter what. Unexpected things happen. Know what you believe before you leave high school.“ Ainsley McMurry, TCS student for 9 years.

True joy comes from God and God alone. Happiness is in our circumstances. Joy is fulfillment in God no matter the circumstances.“ Rebecca Flournoy, TCS student for 13 years

Relationships matter. God will never leave you. Cast your cares on Him“ Katie Koger, TCS student for 5 years.

Faith is a commitment. He has a plan and it is a good plan. Life is going to be hard but God is good. Your teachers are always there for you.“ Allie Phillips, TCS student for 7 years.

You don’t have to know everything, just obey, listen, and trust God. Don’t stay stagnant in your Faith. Don’t just hear, listen.“ Hannah Gibbs, TCS student for 12 years.

(pictured l to r) Dylan DePriest, Gracyn Duncan, Caden Jones, Brianna Hernandez, and Dr. Anthony

This school is unique in its atmosphere. We are truly a family. I have been at 3 different schools before Trinity and there is something special about our school. My advice is to take your spiritual life seriously.” Brianna Hernandez, TCS student for 3 years.

Community is everything. I’ve never had a teacher that I couldn’t go talk to. My advice is to start forming good habits early whether it’s praying or reading our Bibles every day. It’s never too late to form good habits.” Caden Jones, TCS student for 13 years.

Trinity is such a blessing. It’s the only place I have ever known. I have learned that Jesus is the only one who can give us the strength to get through hard times. My advice is to use every opportunity you have to encourage others.” Gracyn Duncan, TCS student for 13 years.

Trinity is home for me, I rarely leave campus before 8pm. Our Trinity family is everything. My experience has been that the power of prayer helps us deal with hardships and my advice to share is that we need to own our Faith.” Dylan DePriest, TCS student for 12 years.

Alumni Spotlight: Olivia & Noah Grimes



Alumni spotlight: SIBLINGS Olivia & Noah Grimes

By Samantha DePriest

When we think about preparing our students to impact the world for Christ, we pray for Jesus to take root in their hearts and stir up a passion for sharing the gospel. Trinity siblings Olivia and Noah Grimes have always had a close bond and are living out that very mission together in their community. They are passionate about sharing God’s word and inspiring young people to do the same. Their bright smiles reflect the joy in their hearts and love for the Lord.

Noah attended TCS in Pre-k, 2nd grade, 6th - 12th grade and graduated in 2021. He played lacrosse during his time at TCS. He was also an active member of Trinity Church and has fond memories of being a part of the youth group. In fact, he started playing drums in the 10th grade while his big sister Olivia led worship.

Noah shares, “The TCS community is tight knit, I was grateful to be mentored by such wonderful teachers,. They always encouraged us to do what the Lord is leading us to do. The teachers truly care about us which made my high school years fruitful.

Mentors and teachers in the High School such as Mr. Lorow, Mr. Stell, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Shackelford, and Mr. Paschal encouraged and poured into him throughout his time here. They provided encouragement of him and his fellow classmates to “be serious about Christianity”. Noah said he developed a love for Jesus and for everyone around him. He committed his life to never stop living for the Lord and shares, “Trinity really allows you to explore the Lord’s purpose for your life. The years at TCS equipped me to lean on my mentors and lean on community in every area. Trinity means community.

Noah currently attends Southeastern University in Florida, located between Lakeland and Tampa, and is actively pursuing the Lord. He is involved in SEU Worship, which is student led and performs on campus chapels as well as all over the country. He has traveled to various conferences including Alaska, Alabama, and Florida.

Olivia was also involved with the TCS Chapel team, NHS, and Beta Club during her time at Trinity. Some of her teachers who made a lasting impact on her were Mrs. Adams, Mr. Edwards, Mrs. Whittle, Mrs. Rinkenberger, Mr. Jones, and Coach De La Cruz.

Olivia shares, “TCS played a part in preparing me for future academics but also allowed me to value the importance of healthy leadership. I am thankful for many of the teachers I had at TCS that cared about each student and took time for every individual. Those moments well equipped me to hold and value those characteristics as well. Going from High School to College is such an interesting and unknown transition, but the faculty at TCS created space for us students to be prepared for the next step. I don't want to speak for Noah, but I will say he and I both were impacted by multiple teachers on the TCS campus and will value those mentors always.” 

After graduating TCS, Olivia attended SEU and was involved with the SEU worship team on campus. She received her Bachelor’s degree in Organizational Leadership with a minor in Business. She currently works at the Southeastern University in the Enrollment Department and in fact graduated just this past weekend with her Masters in Business Administration. She also attends and serves at Grace City Tampa, which is their church home. “We absolutely love it there”, Olivia shares. 

There is such value in keeping connected and learning about our students after they graduate Trinity. We love to shine a spotlight on what God is doing in their lives and encourage them each step of their journey. This next chapter of life for these siblings is bright and full of hope for the future. We couldn’t be more excited to cheer on Noah & Olivia in whatever next this year may hold.

The Great History Challenge National Championship

Trinity Middle School students qualify and compete in


By Adam Vinson

Great History Challenge TCS Middle School students

Kai Szopa, Caleb Walls, and Mia Pettersson (pictured l to r)

(Image by Alicia Pettersson)

Last weekend, four of our Middle School students Caleb Walls, Mia Pettersson, Kai Szopa, & Will Lambert were invited to participate in the The Great History Challenge National Championship, a nationwide academic competition that offers scholarships to winners and is an excellent opportunity for students to highlight their knowledge in history.

The four students who attended Saturday’s competition first completed an online quiz here at Trinity last fall. Their scores qualified them to attend a Regional event in Atlanta earlier this Spring. After receiving high marks at the Regional event, they were invited to attend The Great History Challenge National Competition, which also took place in Atlanta. Click the link to learn more about the Great History Challenge.

We are so proud of our four participants who competed individually against students from all over the country! We are further thrilled to announce that Caleb Walls (8th Grade) was the 8th Grade National Champion! What an incredible accomplishment! Way to go Lions!

Trinity Thespian Induction

Trinity Thespian InductioN

By Samantha DePriest

This past week on Tuesday April 25th Trinity Thespian Troupe 8184 inducted 28 new members at an event honoring their hard work and accomplishments. Induction week was full of excitement and memory making for these 28 students. Monday was spent learning their pledge and preparing for the commitment to being a Thespian. On Tuesday, they learned the choreography they performed at the beginning of this ceremony, practicing preparation. On Wednesday, the students practiced the tech side of theatre, remaining silent all day, emphasizing the relationship that is necessary and present in theatre between tech and performers. Thursday was for protecting a prop given to them, remembering the necessity of caring for what we are given, prop or role wise. Lastly on Friday, students were given an accent to use all day, reminding them that sometimes we have to work to grow our capabilities and that it is not always perfect the first time. Theatre is a process of growth and trying hard things, and sometimes takes us out of our comfort zone.

High School Theatre Director Lizzie Perez shared “As we honor all that is drama, it is important to remember where our TRUE honor lies. We strive to work towards excellence in our storytelling, because we believe as a Chris-centered troupe, that the story we have to tell points other back to Christ.”

At the conclusion of Induction ceremony, both new and current Thespians joined their families at Junction Lanes for an after party two celebrate their accomplishments. What a night full of fun for these students and their families!

Below are the inductees along with their accomplishments in Middle School (MS), High School (HS) Technical, and Set Design along with any awards they have won and electives they have taken. Trinity is blessed with such talent and ambition when it comes to the Arts. We can’t wait to see what God has in store for our Performing Arts department in the years to come!

Luciana ArangO

MS: Fiddler on the Roof, Into the Woods for Mane Stage

HS: Beauty & The Beast, Little Shop of Horrors, Closed for the Holidays, Les Mis

TECH: Aristocats Kids for Drama Club

SET DESIGN: One Act, Live Nativity, Little Shop T-shirt, Closed for the Holidays t-shirt and poster

Autumn Chitwood

MS: Fiddler on the Roof

HS: Grease, Beauty & The Beast, Closed for the Holidays, Les Mis

TECH: Into the Woods & Charlie Brown for Mane Stage

Chloe Cook

MS: Wizard of Oz, High School Musical, and Alice in Wonderland

HS: Grease, Beauty & The Beast, Les Mis

TECH: Into the Wood & Charlie Brown for Mane Stage

Elly Dallas

MS: Into the Woods with Mane Stage

HS: Les Mis

Competed in Musical Theatre in Fine Arts and went onto Nationals


HS: Fiddler on the Roof, Les Mis

Rebekah Flournoy

HS: Grease, Beauty & The Beast, Little Shop of Horrors, 39 Steps (at TCS and GA Thespian Conference), Closed for the Holidays, Les Mis

Stage Manager for Charlie Brown

In Acting 1 Elective

Kasara Haynes

HS: Closed for the Holidays, Les Mis

In Fundamentals of Theatre Elective

Outside of TCS: Multiple credits as a performer in Annie Jr, Little Mermaid, Lion King. Training at the Actors Studio.

Sophia Hurt

MS: Alice in Wonderland, Into the Woods, Wizard of Oz

HS: Closed for the Holidays, Beauty & The Beast

Grayson Ingram

HS: Dalmatians, Charlie Brown, Live Nativity, Closed for the Holidays, Les Mis

In Live Media Class

Savannah Jackson

HS: Closed for the Holidays, Les Mis

In Fundamentals of Theatre Elective

Outside of TCS: multiple credits as a performer in Mary Poppins & Jungle Book and outside training

Isabelle Johnson

MS: Alice in Wonderland, Beauty & The Beast, Cinderella

HS: Closed for the Holidays, Les Mis, Live Nativity

TECH: Frozen, Aristocrats, Charlie Brown

In Fundamentals of Theatre Elective

Multiple credits as a performer in Newnan Theatre Company and instruction at Lisa Kelly Voice.

Ainsley Lawson

MS: Alice in Wonderland, assisted with props for Alice in Wonderland

HS: Beauty & The Beast, created designs for Little Shop of Horrors and 39 Steps.

In Fundamentals of Theatre elective

Outside of TCS: Training for Irish Step

Autumn Mankus

HS: Les Mis

TECH: 101 Dalmations

Grace Mudge

HS: High School Musical, Grease, Beauty & The Beast, 39 Steps (At TCS & GA Thespian Conference), Les Mis

Hair & Make-up for Charlie Brown

Won Best Actress for Beauty & the Beast

Stephen Nussbaum

HS: Little Shop of Horrors, Closed for the Holidays, Les Mis

TECH: Beauty & The Beast and Charlie Brown

In Fundamentals of Theatre elective

Helped with Live Nativity

Charlotte Osterhage

HS: Les Mis

Outside of TCS: Classes at Legacy Theatre. Performed in Grease.

MJ POling

MS: Alice in Wonderland, High School Musical, Fiddler on the Roof, Beauty & The Beast, Into The Woods with Mane Stage

HS: 39 Steps (TCS & GA Thespian Conference), Little Shop of Horrors, Les Mis

Directed: Closed for the Holidays

Costume Design: Les Mis

Won Acting Awards for One Act: 39 Steps

In Acting 1 Elective

Tori PUllin

HS: Peter and the Starcatcher, Beauty & The Beast, Little Shop of Horrors, Closed for the Holidays, Les Mis

In Fundamentals of Theatre elective

Outside of TCS: performance in show and training.

Emily Querna

MS: Theatre camp, Alice in Wonderland, High School Musical, Into the Woods with Mane Stage

Drama elective every year

HS: Les Mis

In Fundamentals of Theatre Elective

Payton RObinson

HS: Closed for the Holidays

In Fundamentals of Theatre Elective

Outside of TCS: multiple years devoted in training in dance with Compass Dance Academy

Brett Rogers

HS: Closed for the Holidays, Dalmatians, Les Mis, Charlie Brown, Live Nativity

JOshua Taylor

HS: Grease, Fiddler on the Roof, Beauty & The Beast, 39 Steps at GA Thespian Conference, Les Mis

Won Best Actor award at Performing Arts Awards Night

TOri Taylor

HS: Alice in Wonderland, 39 Steps at GA Thespian Conference, Les Mis

Helped with set for Beauty & The Beast

Outside of TCS: Classes at Legacy Theatre, vocal instruction, and One Act writing

Isaiah Ware

HS: Fiddler on the Roof, Beauty & The Beast, Little Shop of Horrors, 39 Steps (TCS & GA Thespian Conference), Les Mis

Helped with Design & Choreograph for Little Shop of Horrors

Competed in Musical Theatre category for Fine Arts and going to Nationals

Received Roaring Ovation Award

Will Whitaker

TECH: Into the Woods for Mane Stage, Peter and the Starcatcher, Beauty & The Beast, Les Mis

In Live Media elective

Lilla Wise

MS: Alice in Wonderland, Fiddler on the Roof

HS: Les Mis

TECH: Charlie Brown

Stage Managed: Annie Kids, 101 Dalmatians

ABBY Wozniak

HS: Fiddler on the Roof, Beauty & The Beast

Set Design: Beauty & The Beast, 39 Steps, Les Mis

LILY Wozniak

MS: High School Musical, Alice in Wonderland

HS: Beauty & The Beast, 39 Steps (TCS & GA Thespian Conference), Les Mis

TECH: 101 Dalmatians, Live Nativity



By Samantha DePriest

Trinity Christian School is honored to have Mike Fitzpatrick of Fitzpatrick Ford in Newnan recognize several of our Spring student athletes with the “Athlete of the Week” Award. We join Mr. Fitzpatrick in saying that we are wholeheartedly proud of these athletes who demonstrate qualities of leadership, character, and determination in their sport and on their teams. Below are our most recent recipients of the Fitzpatrick “Athlete of the Week Award”. Way to go Lions!!

Grant Summers


4/10/23 - 12th grade

Grant Summer is a senior golfer at Trinity.  He has played in our program for the past 4 seasons.  Grant led our team in both of our Varsity events in scoring this past week.  He shot a 38 against Whitewater High School to lead the Lions Golf team to a big area win.  Grant is an outstanding golfer but and even better person.  He would be an outstanding representative of TCS for the Athlete of the week. 

Campbell Askew


4/17/23 -9th grade

Campbell is a fearless competitor at Tennis. He is playing our line 1 singles as a Freshman this season and plays every point with his all. Playing some of the best competition in the state he has been able to not only compete with each opponent but win multiple matches. He is a competitor and that shows on the courts.  We are so excited to see what is ahead for Campbell and his tennis career. 

Tai Peete


4/24/23 - 12th grade

Tai Peete, a senior, had a great game this past Tuesday hitting a double and a three run homer to left center to help us win a big game against Troup Co. 5-3. He also made an unbelievable diving catch over his head with his bare hand. That play should be on ESPN Web gems. Tai is having a fantastic year so far and is tied for third in the state with ten home runs.

God Is In Our Stories

Special High School ChapeL:

Seniors share their Faith

By Samantha DePriest

Student led worship team (Image by Oscar Camejo)

(Image by Oscar Camejo)

Last summer a beautiful song of hope and encouragement was released by Big Daddy Weave and Katy Nichole titled “God Is In This Story”. It is a reminder that God is with us in all seasons of our lives and working for our good. While leaning in during a special high school chapel this week, the lyrics of the chorus of the song came to mind.

God is in this story
God is in the details
Even in the broken parts
He holds my heart, He never fails
When I'm at my weakest
I will trust in Jesus
Always in the highs and lows
The One who goes before me
God is in this story

This past Thursday morning Dr. Anthony preached about Elijah in a message called “Runaway” from 1 Kings 19:1-15. He challenged our students to reflect about, “Who are you listening to today? Are you listening to the roar of the enemy or the whisper of God? Will you walk by Faith, not by sight?” He went on to encourage our students, “I want you to be clear about whose you are in the Lord and remember that God’s spirit dwells in each one of us.” He encouraged them to walk in humility and be a witness of the gentleness of God. He taught about how Elijah was sustained for 40 days and 40 nights with meals and rest from God. His message was one of hope and encouragement for the future. There will be storms in our lives, but God is with us in the good times and bad and “He longs to whisper to those who are listening.

Dr. Anthony preaching (Image by Oscar Camejo)

Dr. Anthony invited four seniors to share how they see God working in their lives and His faithfulness to them. Anderson University bound senior Michelina Ryan shared how she recently was baptized at church and was excited to be bold in her Faith. She shared, “My Junior year was a difficult year. I wasn’t listening to the voice of God. There were voices telling me that I’m not good enough. Other things were becoming idols in my life. I needed a Savior and to be reminded to not put other things before Him. My advice to my fellow students would be to find people who point you to the Lord and who always hold you accountable.”

Hasten Patel, with plans of attending Kennesaw University in the Fall, shared how he was raised in the church but this past year he felt God pulling him in closer. He shared that having people hold you accountable and walk with you in Faith makes a big difference. He encouraged his peers to “Seek God always and seek friendships with other followers. God is always with you. Develop good habits, praying, reading your Bible, absorbing the word, and stay strong in your Faith.”

Dr. Anthony with Seniors - (l to r) Michelina Ryan, Addison Bell, Hasten Patel, and Shawn Braxton. (Image by Oscar Camejo)

Dr. Anthony shared that being a Christian doesn’t mean you are guaranteed a perfect life and that during our lives things happen that aren’t always wonderful. Shawn Braxton shared about the setback he is experiencing currently with his acceptance to play football and attend Air Force Academy this Fall. “Everyone is excited about going to college to do all the things they have been looking forward to. But I am not sure I am going to be able to do what I first thought. I have had to really lean into what it says in 1 Corinthians 16 that we may roll the dice but the Lord determines how they fall. I’m not sure what my future holds now but I just really have to trust whether it’s football or just school, whatever He has planned for me, I just really have to trust what He has planned for me.“ He went on to say, “I know that if it is supposed to happen, it will.” What a strong Faith foundation Shawn has that even in the midst of adversity, he shares his trust in God’s plan with more than 500 of his classmates.

University of Alabama bound senior Addison Bell shared encouragement that when we are not feeling good enough, we need to remember some key things, “Being a follower of Christ is bigger than just reading your Bible, praying, and going to Sunday school. It is about repentance. When I do fall short, I can come back and say "God I am sorry and want to be in your grace’. We are reminded that He is before all things and there is nothing you can do to separate yourself from God. All things are held together by Him. Find your community.”

Rosetta McDowell and Dr. Anthony (Image by Oscar Camejo)

Trinity Mom of two sons, Ethan and Trevor, and Lower School Teachers Aide Ms. Rosetta McDowell shared her story of how God’s peace got her through a very difficult time in their lives. When her sons were just 7 and 5 years old, her husband’s life was taken after a shooting at the church where he was in full time ministry leading Wednesday morning prayer. “Those first few hours, I recall sitting, after I finally got back home, I recall sitting at my kitchen table and I had to say to the Lord ‘You know what, I’m not leaving you. Where else should I go? In that moment, I had to let the enemy know, ‘I belong to God, He belongs to me. And I will not leave Him and He said he will never leave me or forsake me. And that’s where my power came from. Making that decision in the midst of a challenging moment and deciding to choose Jesus.”

In closing she shared tremendous encouragement with our student body.

“If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior.

The true lion is inside of you.

You have the roar.

You have the Word of God.

Make it the most important thing in your life.

That is your tool.

That is your weapon.

You win.

God is called each of one of you to be triumphant.

You are an overcomer.

You are more than a conqueror.“

If you find yourself with some margin this week, this chapel service will be a blessing. May it serve as an encouragement to hear our students share how God is working in their lives.

Chapel Service Link

Lady Lions Soccer Team Advances to the Elite 8

Lady Lions Soccer team

Advances to the ELITE 8

By Samantha DePriest

Though it’s our Lady Lions first time competing in GHSA 4A, they are fearless and full speed ahead. Our girls team has been on the road quite a bit lately traveling 4 hours down to play Southeast Bulloch last week. After a 2 1/2 hour weather delay, they brought home the “W” and returned to campus around 3am in the morning. Last night they traveled to play Shaw of Columbus and brought home another win of 7-0 to advance them into the Elite 8.

Goalie Coach Jessica Charman pictured center with Lily Wozniak (l) and Saylor Clough (r).

Coach Lance Duncan shared how proud he was of the girls and especially the younger members of the team. “Freshman Peyton Daniels scored 2 goals and started the scoring. Fellow Freshman Ashlyn Ing scored 3 goals, Freshman Kathryn Andrews scored 1 goal and Sophomore Hudson Deutscher scored 1 goal. Assists by Jordan Rawlings (Junior) - 1 , Emerson Reifschnieder (Junior) - 2. 3 goal saves from Lily Wozniak (Sophomore) and a combined clean sheet from Wozniak and Saylor Clough. Defensive lead by Senior Captain Olivia Osse and Sophomore standout Seanna Johnson.”

Goalie Coach Jessica Charman shares, “Elite Eight Bound! Unbelievably proud of the goalkeeper union we have built this year and how they are so coachable and determined. Thankful for this opportunity to shape lives on and off the field. Colossians 3:23”

Our Lady Lions travel to Lovett on Monday, 4/24, for a 5:30pm game time. Coach Lance Duncan shares, “I love the work rate of this team and the unselfish nature they possess. They are working to improve each of their teammates and have made major stride on the field this season. This is an incredible group of young ladies who represent TCS so well both on and off the field.” Let’s Go Lady Lions!!!

Alumni Spotlight: Benjamin Peacock

“Preparing Today’s Student to impact Tomorrow’s world”

Alumni Spotlight: Benjamin Peacock

By Samantha DePriest

As we approach the celebration of our 14th graduating class at Trinity Christian School, we pray God’s blessings over the 125 seniors who will walk across the stage and officially enter the mission field next month. From the very beginning, Trinity Christian School has been committed to “Preparing today’s student to impact tomorrow’s world.” Hundreds of students have developed a firm foundation in Christ and been mentored by Faith filled teachers as they planted seeds and watched them grow. There are countless stories to be shared about how our Trinity Lions are living out God’s plan for their lives and positively influencing those around them.

TCS Alumni Benjamin Peacock has been walking with the Lord for as long as he can remember. He graduated TCS in 2016 and fondly recalls his time at Trinity as some of the best years of his life. Benjamin shares, “I got to do so many incredible things during my time at TCS.” He was here during a time a great growth and was on the first TCS cross country team, track team, soccer team, and was the first TCS swimmer.

He fondly recalls his Dad encouraging him to try running. He shares that his Dad told him to go to 1 TCS cross country practice to see if he liked it. He did and realized that running came easy for him. His athletic ability, endurance, and mental fortitude helped him to not only run but he learned that he enjoyed running. He had hoped to run cross country or track and field in college but had health issues that prevented him from doing so. He was able to run a sub 18 minutes in his sophomore year but was diagnosed with Compartment syndrome and had to have surgery in his junior year. Because of these circumstances, he started swimming and found success in the pool.

Benjamin was also cast in the very 1st TCS musical “Annie”. He enjoyed his time being a part of Trinity musicals, sang in the Choir in 9th and 10th grades, and also in One Act with former Performing Arts Director Kelsi Adams. He learned that he loved competing in both athletics and the arts. He was involved in Trinity Church Fine Arts as well. In fact, he won the Fine Arts Scholarship which helped him earn $5k/yr for 4 years of college and was the first Merit Award earned from Trinity Church. He shares that he wasn’t sure what his next step would be after high school but decided to go to Southeastern University where one of his older brothers also attended.

Fast forward a few years, he now serves in ministry as a Youth Associate Pastor at Victory Church Lakeland in Florida. This coming May he is becoming an ordained minister. He also coaches and encourages young runners. The team started with just 22 students and has now grown to 50 students. Benjamin enjoys helping mentor athletes and shares that he “can’t imagine not having Faith when times are tough.” He can also be found announcing volleyball and basketball games and singing the national anthem at games. Benjamin describes himself as missional and kingdom building. He preaches at school, church, and youth services. In addition, he oversees the fine arts program currently with 55+ students and gives God all the glory!

Over the years, Benjamin has participated in half marathons, both Sprint and Olympic triathlons, Ironman’s and has even qualified for the World Championships in St. George, Utah. Every race that he competes in, he has raised money for causes close to his heart. He has raised money to build water wells in Africa and most recently is fundraising to support Project Rescue.

We will be praying for Benjamin as he competes in a Fine Arts Festival Competition coming up this month and in his 1st full Ironman in Mont-Tremblant Canada this summer. His goal is to qualify for the Boston Marathon one day. We applaud his desire to positively impact the world by using the gifts and talents God gave him. Benjamin shares, “Everything that I am is because of Trinity. Everyone who is a part of my journey has taught me and poured into me . I was always loved, always seen, always known, always supported, always encouraged, and always having fun when I was at TCS.”

What a beautiful story of one of our very own Lions making a tremendous impact in the world and inspiring others along the way. We can’t wait to see what else the Lord has planned for Benjamin this year!! #LionForLife

PRESS RELEASE: Trinity Hires Former WNBA and UGA Star to Lead Basketball and Diversity Programs


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Monday, April 10, 2023

Dr. Mark J. Anthony, DIS 

Trinity Christian School, Sharpsburg, GA


Email: Mark.Anthony@tcslions.org

Web: tcslions.org

Trinity Hires Former WNBA and UGA Star to Lead Basketball and Diversity Programs

Trinity Christian School is continuing its mission to grow in excellence by extending a warm welcome to Lady Hardmon Grooms as the new Director of Basketball Operations and Director of Diversity for the Sharpsburg campus. She will also serve as the Head Varsity Girls Basketball Coach and PE Teacher. 

Lady Grooms with WNBA Sacramento Monarchs

(Photo:: Seth Ellerbee)

Lady Grooms brings over 16 years of experience teaching Physical Education and Health to students in middle and high school. She has also served as a Head Basketball Coach with experience and a history of growing student athletes. She is known for her love of students and creating an engaging environment as well as a culture of inclusion.

Lady Grooms attended University of Georgia and earned a Bachelor of Arts in Recreation Administration in 1993.  She was a 4-year starter for UGA and played internationally in France, Hungary, Italy and Turkey. She was also awarded Academic SEC All-Conference. After college, she was a first round pick in the inaugural WNBA draft and played for the Utah Starzz and Sacramento Monarchs. She served three years as an assistant coach for the WNBA’s New York Liberty team.

Lady Grooms coaching girls basketball.

(Source: Lady Grooms)

Most recently, Lady Grooms has served as the Head Coach for the Varsity Girls Basketball team as well as Middle and High School PE at Landmark Christian School.  Prior to her time there, she served in similar roles at Greater Atlanta Christian (GAC) and Arlington Christian School. She led GAC to the Girls Final 4 in 2016, 2017 and 2019, and Landmark to the Final 8 in 2022 and the Final 4 in 2023.

Dr. Mark Anthony, Head of School said, “When Trinity Christian School is interviewing potential candidates, we want to identify if they are a cultural fit. To do that, we strive to discern if they possess the critical qualities that will allow them to be successful: Competency to effectively do the job, Character that models the Trinity Way, and Chemistry that allows them to function well within our team. In this hiring search, our team is convinced that Coach Grooms is going to thrive as a teacher, coach, and mentor.

I love Lady’s passion. First and foremost, she is a passionate follower of Jesus. Secondly, she has an unbelievable pedigree in basketball. Not only as a player, but as a coach too. I have observed her over the past 6 or 7 years and have been thoroughly impressed with her ability to develop individual talent while getting the most out of her team. Finally, Coach Lady Grooms is passionate about students. Her infectious smile will undoubtedly endear her to our student body. Trinity, we are excited and fortunate to add this wonderful person to our loving community!”

Who is Lady Grooms? 

USC Coach Dawn Staley - “What a gem of a hire of Lady Hardmon for Trinity Christian and the young ladies she will immediately and forever impact. I’ve known Lady for over 3 decades and she is the epitome of loyalty, hard work and has been a dream merchant for young ladies long before she held a coaching position. I can’t wait to witness her success at Trinity Christian.

Former UGA Coach Andy Landers – “No one loves basketball more than Lady Grooms. Everything she does, she does it with excellence. Her love for kids has made her an outstanding coach and role model.”

GAC Athletic Director“She is a ‘culture builder.’ GAC students love her and are drawn to her. Coach Grooms always has a smile on her face and kids want to be with her when she walks in the room.”

Lady Grooms and daughter Gabrielle Grooms pictured during recent announcement of Georgia Tech commitment.

(Source: Lady Grooms)

TCS Football and Track Coach Roby Ross - “Coach Grooms and I previously taught middle school physical education classes together.  From a basketball coaching standpoint, I can recommend Coach Grooms without reservation. Her interaction with the young ladies was a great combination of building relationships while still maintaining order and accountability.  During games, her teams were always prepared and consistently displayed a great level of competitive execution regardless of the opponent. I believe Coach Grooms will be a tremendous asset.”

TCS Bible Teacher Ron Edwards - “It has been my honor to know Lady Grooms for over 12 years. I have known her as a friend, as a colleague, as a growing Christian who continued to understand how her Jesus story should shape her coaching, and in the context of a fellow coach for 4 years. She has been a hard worker, an excellent player developer, and a lifelong friend to girls long since graduated. She has inspired, challenged, and led girls not just to state championships but to become world class wives and mothers.”  


About TCS: Trinity Christian School is a fully-accredited, interdenominational, preschool through 12th grade, private school in Sharpsburg, GA. Bordering Fayette, Coweta, and Spalding counties, Trinity currently enrolls more than 1,900 students across all campuses. In addition to its strong academics, including honors and college prep courses, students may choose from a variety of extracurricular activities, and a full range of boys’ and girls’ competitive athletic programs. Its vision is to prepare today's student to impact tomorrow's world.

Honoring Nolan Thompson

Honoring Nolan Thompson

By Samantha DePriest

Nolan Thompson, 10th grade TCS student

Last week our Trinity family suffered a great loss. Tenth grade student Nolan Thompson went to be with the Lord on Tuesday morning, March 21st , 2023. At just 16 years old, his passing was both unexpected and tragic. We share in grief along with Nolan’s precious parents Debbie and Billy Thompson and big brother Ty, Trinity Alumni/Class of 2022.

Ty, Billy, Debbie, and Nolan Thompson

Just hours after learning of the Nolan’s passing, our high school students and staff gathered together in our stadium. Our Head of School Dr. Anthony shared scripture and led in a time of prayer lifting up the Thompson family. All afternoon classes were cancelled and our high school Bible teachers and counselors were available for students. Over 500+ high school students sat together shoulder to shoulder motionless in the stands with eyes filled with tears and hearts broken. No one moved. Every single Trinity student remained and the evidence of the Holy Spirit was present and overwhelming. Prayer groups began to form and worship music started to play. Tears fell and hugs were shared by students and staff. It was during those sweet and somber moments when God began to comfort His children. The Bible tells us in Psalm 34:18 “The Lord is close to the broken hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” Our students and staff grieved together, loved on one another, and praised God for Nolan’s salvation. God’s peace fell upon us that day as we witnessed His goodness on the darkest day.

Dr. Anthony speaking to the high school student body on Tuesday, March 21st about Nolan Thompson.

(Image by Samantha DePriest)

Nolan’s cousin Brett Rogers spoke at both the TCS Chapel service pictured above and at Nolan’s Celebration of Life at Passion City Trilith.

(Image by Oscar Camejo)

Last Thursday March 23rd, Dr. Anthony led a special High School Chapel service to honor Nolan’s life. Nolan’s cousin Brett Rogers shared about his cousin’s life. He shared scripture from Proverbs 16:9 “The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps” and asked fellow students to reflect on how they spend their time on earth. He encouraged classmates to live for God, tell their Moms they love them, apologize for any wrongs, don’t go to bed angry, and glorify God every day in their own lives. High school principal Kimmy Jones shares, “Brett spoke such powerful words of Faith and trust in God in the midst of such pain and loss”.

TCS student worship team leading a time of surrender and prayer for the Thompson family.

(Image by Samantha DePriest)

Following Dr. Anthony’s message, a powerful time of surrender and prayer began. Students, teachers, and administrators joined together gathered at the altar and an impactful time of praise began when the student led worship team began to play. The Thompson family has been and continues to be on the hearts and minds of our entire school community.

A time of prayer during high school chapel.

(Image by Samantha DePriest)

To watch a recording of the service, you may click on the link below:

TCS Chapel Service Honoring Nolan Thompson

On Monday March 27th, Dr. Anthony led Nolan’s Celebration of Life at Passion City Church at Trilith. He referred to Psalm 77 in his comforting message, “This Psalm gives us permission to ask God tough questions, permission to cry and groan in our obvious pain. In Psalm 77:7-9 the Bible says ‘Will the Lord reject forever? Will he never show his favor again? Has his unfailing love vanished forever? Has his promise failed for all time? Has God forgotten to be merciful? Has he in anger withheld his compassion?Do you have questions for God today? I do. Sometimes we are told that we cannot ask God questions - like He may be intimidated or disturbed by our inquiry. But that is not scriptural. First of all, God knows what we are thinking. Secondly, it is in the middle of our openness and honesty with God that God can truly reach us and bring healing.

After these questions there is a pause in the text. Then the psalmist begins to praise God for His faithfulness in the past. I think we will experience some of that today… yes, there will be moments of lament, pain, and tears, but there will also be hope and expressions of joy as we remember a life that was well lived.”

Nolan Thompson was a kind young man whom fellow students and staff enjoyed spending time with. He described himself as “quiet, funny, and gamer” in a first day of school questionnaire. He loved Math, sour Skittles, and his favorite worship song was 10,000 Reasons. He had a strong foundation of Faith and wasn’t afraid to share it as you can read his own words in bold below.

Our high school Bible department shared an excerpt from Nolan’s journal that he wrote earlier this school year, “When God entered my life, my whole life changed. God saved me and set me free, He allows me to live a love filled life. God made me a better person. He allowed me to be cleansed of my sins. God means everything to me. He is the word and the light. God should be in everyone’s life, and he should mean a lot to you like he does to me.”

In Health class, the class was recently studying mental health and emotions, part of an assignment was to describe the last time they felt loved. Nolan’s answer: “I feel loved all the time because I know that my parents love me. I know that my friends and family love me. I think that everyone should always have the feeling of love. Everyone needs those people in their life who care for them.”

The teacher explained: “He was wise beyond his years, and so disciplined in his faith. There is no question that Nolan loved the Lord, because he was a walking, talking testimony.” The last part of that health assignment posed the question, “Sadness and anger are usually associated with negativity. Why do you think God allows us to feel these emotions?” His answer: God allows us to feel these emotions so that we can be brought closer to him. If we only had happiness and joy we would never think of God in the way we do now.”

Dr. Anthony shared, “We are clinging to these words as we are grieving, and amazed in the way that celebrating Nolan’s life has brought our community closer together and closer to God.”

Nolan’s biology teacher shared, “He was in my 7th period and his positive demeanor and sense of humor was always on full display as that class could go either way. His respect for me and his classmates always shone through. He left his personality on everything we did in biology, especially during dissections. His huge smile radiated through the room every day.”

Nolan’s Spanish teacher shared, “I’ve been blessed to have Nolan in my Spanish classes for two years now. He’s always been somewhat quiet and reserved but I’ll never forget anytime I called on Nolan to read or to answer a question he always gave me the biggest smile and nodded his head, while not having a clue of what to say in Spanish, he always tried. Towards the middle of the semester his 9th grade year, I could see that he became more comfortable in class and seemed to always have a smile no matter what. His calm demeanor and playfulness with his classmates made our class a fun learning environment.”

Another Trinity teacher shared, “Nolan and his quiet Spirit were a bright spot of my 4th period this year.  In the Fall we rearranged seats and Nolan landed in the seat right by my desk.  He liked this spot.  He never says much but he would use this corner spot to his advantage to ask questions.  Given the opportunity to change seats in the second semester - he didn’t.  He chose to stay right where he was. He took ownership of his own learning by knowing that this was the spot he needed to be in.  This desk will now be the only empty seat in that class.”

Another Trinity teacher shared, “Nolan was in my Literature and Composition class during 9th grade. During our unit over Homer’s The Odyssey, I asked all my students to write about what makes a person a hero.

  “A hero is made by someone who works hard and puts in the effort to go the extra mile and help people and make someone’s day better. A hero is someone who even though they may not be known or gain anything from it will still do good for the community. To be a hero you do not need to have everybody’s respect. All you need to be a hero is to be nice and show kindness even if you gain nothing from it. Be nice and treat others how you want to be treated. You do not need to be perfect or have a high status in the world to be a hero. If you yourself want to be a hero you need to start doing good deeds and helping others even when there is no reward, you need to be kind and you need to be generous. If you help others then most likely you will inspire others who want to do the same, to start acting these good actions out which can then inspire others. If we all start acting nice, we could have a better world where all people are nice and always help each other out. There wouldn’t be many fights because all there would be is people being nice to each other. That is what it means to be a great hero, to inspire people, to not look down on others, and to be kind, generous, and grateful for everything and to everyone in the world.”

Nolan lived his definition of a hero out in his life. Though he was calm and quiet, Nolan was welcoming to everyone. He was always smiling and always ready to help. He was polite, respectful, and kind. He was a blessing to my class.” 

Nolan Thompson was loved. Nolan Thompson will be remembered. And Nolan’s family will be held in our prayers especially during this difficult time ahead. Trinity means family.



By Samantha DePriest

Trinity Christian School is honored to have Mike Fitzpatrick of Fitzpatrick Ford in Newnan recognize several of our Spring student athletes with the “Athlete of the Week” Award. We join Mr. Fitzpatrick in saying that we are wholeheartedly proud of these athletes who demonstrate qualities of leadership, character, and determination in their sport and on their teams. Below are our most recent recipients of the Fitzpatrick “Athlete of the Week Award”. Way to go Lions!!

Wil Rinkenberger


3/6/23 - 11th grade

Wil Rinkenberger, junior captain, has played really well to start the season. His leadership in helping our young team has been incredible. Wil has a great work ethic and truly shows what it means to be a TCS Lion.

Olivia Osse


3/13/23 - 12th Grade

Olivia Osse is a senior captain for the Lady Lions Soccer team. She is a returning 1st team all-region center back who has picked up where she left off last season. Olivia is not only a great player but a fantastic leader of this team. Olivia has been able to record several goals and assist from her Center back position this season and is leading our team in to region play for the first time at the 4-A level. Olivia is a fantastic student with well over a 4.0 GPA and excels in multiple sports. 

Kyva Holloway


3/20/23 - 10th grade

Sophomore Kyva Holloway helped lead the Lions to victory against Woodward and Stratford Academy last week. Over the two games, she scored 13 goals and 4 assists and tallied over 15 caused turnovers, ground balls, and draw controls each. 

RJ Coker


3/25/23 - 10th Grade

RJ is a consistent hardworking player and is always the first one ready for practice. He always has a positive attitude and lifts up his teammates when things happen.